Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Funny Pics XXDDD!!!!

Me needs monies, please give me a hug ^///^
Yah, that's right, I'm a pro, so be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID!!! xxddddWell, I guess he drank too mcuh ^^

Where... Is.... MY!.. COFFEE!!!!!!!?????
Yah, tha'ts right, I hear ya, now shut up!!!
Aw, the loves of the brothers ^^, LOLZ!!!!

So, is this what they look like when they're NOT trying to take over the world??????? LOLZ!!!!! XXDDD!!! ^^

Dog's are a persons best friend XD

Pets are always fathful to the ver end, so if you have a pet, give them a hug and a kiss, because no matter what happens, they'll be the ones to ALWAYS love you ^^

And never forget...
There's always a light at the end of a dark tunnal ^^

There, I fixed it.....

Now don't ask me to fix anyting else!!!!!!

Life Boils down to 2 things......

Should I get a dog????.......


Should I have kids??.....

Have a nice day everyone, and don't forget to laugh ^^!!!

Quote About Humans

(Note, I give FULL cretit to the original creator Pliny the Elder, Roman scholar. I only changed a little of it for my own view, he has all the true ownerships)

"Humans are the only ones that know nothing, that can learn nothing, without being taught. They can neither speak nor walk, nor eat and in short they cna do nothing at the prompting of nature only, but weep."

"Humans can be defined as the animal that can say I, that can be aware of themselves as a seperate entity."

Random Thoughts of the Day

So, Valintines day I went out and saw Leigon. Honestly, it was only ok. Not the best and not the worst. I also went on another music downloading spree. I'll admit that I love and am obsessed with music. But eh, guess that just me personally. Either way, it was kind of just a slow, boring, normal weekend for me, 'sept for the fact we got the extra day off and I got to sleep in. That felt real good. Anyways, there's not really much to say. It feels like Monday. Hehehehe, reminds me of the song Manic Monday by Cindy Loaper. She talkes about how she doenst' want it to be the weekdays and wants the weekend back. Lolz, sound a lot like me right now.

Forever Staying

Come and dance with me,
O' Human child
Dance your heart out under the Tree
No harm will come to thee in this wild

Sing your song free and clear
Come, eat under the hunters Moon
Drink of the Beer
And you'll forever stay soon.